Our Services

Buttonwood Corporate Services provides full support for your transaction, always there to guide you throughout the process, whether it's an acquisition, sale or IPO.

We can advise you through the sale, listing or fundraising process from start to finish, assisting with business plans and financial models, valuation of your company or key assets, and preparing documentation for a listing or fundraise.

Buttonwood Corporate Services' team has significant equity capital markets experience, having been involved in numerous capital raisings in the last decade. Whether it is seed capital fundraising or IPO funding, our relationships with brokers, and the fundraising process's knowledge, will provide invaluable support to create your vision.


Buy / Sell

We will assist you with every aspect of the transaction. Our team will evaluate the opportunities through comprehensive due diligence, guide your Company through price adjustments and advise on the financial aspects of the sale and purchase agreement, highlighting matters that may lead to negotiating a better price. We will identify all transactional risks and recommend all necessary risks mitigation strategies, warranties and indemnities. Looking forward, we can also provide a view of the ongoing working capital requirements of the combined entities.

Our team will also advise on the most tax-efficient structure for your business. We have the advantage of being able to bring in all areas of expertise needed for a transaction through our one office.

We advise on all aspects of businesses' sales, from identifying suitable buyers to final negotiations and completion.

Buttonwood Corporate Services' professionals will actively work with you and your team to understand your business's strengths and weaknesses, so we can help you market those positives and assist in managing and addressing the negatives.

We also provide vendor due diligence and health checks to ensure that your business is in the best possible shape before selling, identifying any problems that could arise.

Transaction Support.

Many Companies carry out corporate transactions such as acquisitions or disposals of subsidiaries, potentially distracting key management from the business plan's day-to-day delivery. Our expertise in project management of corporate transactions ensures that projects are delivered on time and within budget, with minimum disruption to the management team. 

We assist Companies carrying out complex and time-consuming corporate transactions with the following services: 

  • Developing and managing transaction project plan;

  • Acting as sell-side adviser to ensure client retains anonymity for as long as possible;

  • Applying our extensive knowledge and experience of the corporate transaction process to manage the Company's interactions with other advisers and the Company's deliverables to those advisers;

  • Ensuring timely delivery of workstreams;

  • Administrating virtual data rooms, address information requests from multiple external advisers and co-ordinate the provision of the related information from the Company; and

  • Assisting with information flow for shareholders announcements, investor presentations, information memorandums and prospectus.

IPO Project Management.

Buttonwood Corporate Services is the trusted partner of Australia's entrepreneurs seeking an IPO or reverse takeover. We ensure that transactions remain on track without distracting management from their daily activities.

We assess the suitability Company, introduce management to the journey, help them understand all the steps and processes from inception to listing and what to expect post listing. Further, we provide all the anticipated costs and introduce Companies to the best-fit Broker and team to take the Company to market.

Our services include: 

  • Developing and managing Companies' internal transaction/IPO project plan;

  • Manging transaction/IPO processes based on our knowledge and experience, assisting with the interactions between our clients and their other advisers, and managing their deliverables to those advisers;

  • Assuring timely and thorough delivery of the relevant due diligence to avoid unnecessary delays and manage transactional risks;

  • Virtual data rooms management, control of requests for information from multiple external advisers and the flow of the information needed from the Company; and

  • Assisting with information flow for shareholders announcements, investor presentations, information memorandums and prospectus.

We will guide you throughout the process, providing full support for your transaction and assist you with anything required to achieve your vision.